Deduplication and compression:
How to check if vSan cluster has dedup enabled, though there are many ways to check it, I would show two ways here:
From vCenter GUI:
Login to vCenter using web client or HTML client , navigate to cluster > Manage > settings > Virtual San > General
Deduplication and Compression status shows the status as enabled as shown in below screenshot:
This option would be simple and easy if there is only 1 or 2 vSan enabled clusters in vCenter. what if there are more? I would suggest to use below script that gives a clear output about the dedup status and disk group type.
Using simple power shell script:
Import-Module vmware.vimautomation.core
Connect-VIServer <vc name> -User <user name> -Password <password>
$clusternames=(Get-Cluster | Sort-Object Name).Name
foreach($clustername in $clusternames)
$dedupfetch=((Get-Cluster $clustername | Get-VsanClusterConfiguration).Cluster.customFields | ?{$_.Key -match "com.vmware.vsan.clusterstate"}).value
Get-Cluster $clustername | Get-VsanDiskGroup | Select-Object @{N="Cluster";E={"$clustername"}},DiskGroupType,@{N="DedupEnabled";E={"$dedupenablestatus"}} | Sort-Object Name -Unique | Format-Table -AutoSize
Output will be as:
Cluster DiskGroupType DedupEnabled
------- ------------- ------------
<Cluster Name> AllFlash true