If you have already gone through my posts on pod / UAG creation and pod is healthy with no errors, then you can go through next steps for image creation and publish the applications. In this post I will be explaining the steps followed to import the image from Azure market place, publish it, create farms & assignments for application etc..
- Login to horizon cloud console using the url given here:
- Since the domain registration is completed, you will have to type in the domain credentials to login to the portal.
After successful login, home page displays as shown below with options Monitor, Assignments, Inventory and Settings.
Image preparation
To start with, there should be an image available to provision the desktops or applications. Since I don’t have any, will download the same from market place and yes, you can certainly upload your own if you have image installed with correct agents installed.
- Navigate to Inventory > Imported vm’s > Import – This allows you to Add your own vm or download from azure market place.
- Click on Select below “From Marketplace”
- Since this is for application publishing, ensure to select server OS and required details
- Under Advanced options there are many features which can be toggled ON / OFF before importing the image itself instead of logging and changing
- Once click on Import, VM will start getting deployed and progress can be seen in Imported VM section of admin portal or in Azure portal.
Note: Images will be part of resource group (vmw-hcs-<pod id>-base-vms)
- Image goes through different phases like installing agents, boot strapping etc… In case if import is successful but the agent status shows as not paired, just click the Imported VM’s > Image > More > reset pairing.
- Once the Image is imported successfully, then click on image > more > Convert to Image
- Provide the Company name, type in the credentials and publish
- New entry will be seen under Images section, where the status can be seen from changing from In Transition to Published.
Farm Creation
- Publishing applications need a Farm to be created.
- Navigate to Inventory > Farms > New : Fill in the details
Provide Min & Max VM’s etc.. “I” button next to every option will give you the summary of details.
- Here I have used default values under rolling maintenance section, can be changed if required.
- Review and Submit
- Once the farm is created successfully, then it will show under farms section with green dot as shown below.
Navigate to Inventory > Applications > New
Auto-scan or manual, I have selected auto scan to list the applications that is available in rdsh that is deployed.
- Select the Applications, for this demo I checked two applications that is already built-in by defaulting windows.
- Attributes > Summary and Finish
Assignment creation
- In Admin portal, navigate to Assignments > New and select Applications
- Provide name to the assignment
- Select the Applications, this will automatically list the applications that is selected before (previous section).
- Configure user / groups to access the assignment.
- Review Summary and Submit
- You can launch the Apps either using browser or horizon client, below I am showing from browser.. After successful login, users can see list of assignment that is currently assigned to user / group. Click on appliances you wish to launch ..
- App launches.