Horizon cloud on Azure have come up with another amazing feature in v2.2 (1763.x) where one can deploy external UAG’s into different subscription or diff vNet, In this post I am going to take you through the steps to be followed for configuring external UAG’s into diff vNet, here you go.
If you have already gone through my previous post, UAG’s can be deployed along the pod or separately after pod is deployed. To start with, vNet peering should be done between the vNet’s of smart node appliances and UAG’s.
vNet creation and Peering steps:
Note: 2 VNET’s to be created i.e., 1 for SN node appliances / desktops and other for UAG. Below is the procedure to create VNET
- Login to Azure portal > Virtual Networks > +Add
2. Provide the resource group > Name and region.. here I have created two vNET ‘s with names as captain-vnet-sn and captain-vnet-uag
3. create subnets, by selecting Add subnets option and created subnets for management , desktop in vNET captain-vnet-sn and DMZ / management subnet in vNET captain-vnet-uag. Ensure to enable service end point microsoft.sql for management subnet.
4. Click on Create, this will take few mins to complete, post that you can see the vNET’s listed under Virtual networks page.
5. Create vNet peering between newly created vNet. Click on one of the vNet > Peerings > + Add
6. Provide name to peering , select the destination vNet where peering to be done and name of peering in destination vNet and click OK
7. Verify if the peered networks are showing under the peering list:
Deploy UAG with diff vNet along with POD:
To know more detailed about pod creation, refer to my earlier post. In pod creation page, if you are looking to deploy external UAG into different subscription, then toggle the button Use a Different Subscription for External Gateway to yes and you will be asked to provide the details of subscription where UAG to be deployed. If the UAG ‘s to be deployed in same subscription but different vNet then this toggle can be turned off.
- Provide all details in pod section
- Under gateway settings > networking > use a Different virtual Network toggle to YES
- Select the virtual network (In this case I have selected the VNET that is created to UAG’s) , toggle use existing subnets to YES and this will list out the subnets available in that vNET like shown below and Validate & Proceed and Submit in summary page..
- This will start deploying Pod and UAG’s into different vNET.
Deploy UAG separately with diff vNet after pod is deployed:
- Logon to the Horizon Cloud here using the ‘My VMware’ account credentials and navigate to capacity section under settings.
- Select the pod and edit
Note: You will be able to deploy UAG’s into different subscription only if there are no existing external UAG’s, if there are existing external UAG’s that is part of the pod, you will have to delete them and deploy UAG’s.
- Steps from here are same like mentioned before in section Deploy UAG with diff vNet along with POD.
Thanks for Reading..
Hi Jim,
In this post I have just used the peering feature with no any additional blocking ..