Reading Time: 2 mins
Dedicated desktop: In a dedicated assignment, each desktop gets mapped to a specific user. Each mapped user connects to the same desktop at every login. When a particular dedicated VDI desktop is mapped to a specific user, that desktop is said to be assigned to that user.
As mentioned in the post , steps are very similar like importing image from market place and convert to image, since I am writing this to explain about provisioning dedicated desktops – select Desktop OS instead of Server. This is very similar to my earlier post which is for floating desktops.
- While creating the assignment, just select the Type as Dedicated as highlighted below:
- I have used default values, whereas if you want to use diff values for quiescing or timeout, even that is accepted. Power management can be created now or at later point of time. will write a separate post on configuring this power management.
- Assign AD groups for this assignment
- Status turns green when assignment is created successfully
- You can launch the desktops either using browser or horizon client, below I am showing from browser.. After successful login, users can see list of assignment that is currently assigned to user / group. Click on assignment ..
- Desktop launches …
Thanks for Reading.