Reading Time: 3 mins
In my earlier post, I have shown the steps to install packages into TKG cluster using TMC catalog, now let explore the process of deleting the packages from TMC Console.
Delete Harbor Package:
In TMC Console: Clusters > select the cluster capv-workload > Add-ons > Installed > click on capv-workload-harbor
- Click on Delete which can be found in top right corner > Actions > Delete
- provide the name: capv-workload-harbor
- Check the status of deletion In TMC Console: Clusters > select the cluster capv-workload > Add-ons > Installed
Verify the pods termination status and it takes few mins to terminate
Delete Contour Package:
In TMC Console: Clusters > select the cluster capv-workload > Add-ons > click on capv-workload-contour
- Click on Delete which can be found in top right corner > Actions > Delete
- provide the name: capv-workload-contour
- Check the status of deletion In TMC Console: Clusters > select the cluster capv-workload > Add-ons > Installed
Verify the services status
Delete Cert-manager Package:
In TMC Console: Clusters > select the cluster capv-workload > Add-ons > click on capv-workload-certm
- Click on Delete which can be found in top right corner > Actions > Delete
- provide the name: capv-workload-certm and DELETE
- Check the status of deletion In TMC Console: Clusters > select the cluster capv-workload > Add-ons > Installed
Verify the pods termination status
In TMC Console: Clusters > select the cluster capv-workload > Add-ons
- Verify if the packages are deleted.