To customize the branding in your portal, you can choose the name of the portal and the logo for it. To make these customizations: In this section, let’s see the process of changing the branding of TAP GUI. By default, TAP comes with a standard logo and name as “VMware Tanzu Application Platform”. By the end of this section, I will be changing the logo and name of the TAP GUI.
For custom logo, I just collected a pic from google and used online tool to fetch the base64 image encoder of logo to be used in config file.
service_type: ClusterIP # NodePort for distributions that don't support LoadBalancer
ingressEnabled: "true"
ingressDomain: ""
custom_logo: '<base64encodedimage>'
custom_name: 'Tanzu Application Platform 1.3 - Captain V Demo Portal'
Update the tap packages using updated values for changes to take affect
azureuser@capv-tapmc-jb:~$ tanzu package installed update tap -f tap-values-view.yaml -n tap-install
Updating installed package 'tap'
Getting package install for 'tap'
Getting package metadata for ''
Updating secret 'tap-tap-install-values'
Updating package install for 'tap'
Waiting for 'PackageInstall' reconciliation for 'tap'
'PackageInstall' resource install status: ReconcileSucceeded
Updated installed package 'tap' in namespace 'tap-install'
Access the TAP GUI in a private window or a new browser to verify the changes.
Customize the Software Catalog page
Customize the name of the organization
You can customize the name of your organization on the Software Catalog page of Tanzu Application Platform GUI portal. By default, the portal displays Your Organization next to Catalog and in the selection box.
service_type: ClusterIP # NodePort for distributions that don't support LoadBalancer
ingressEnabled: "true"
ingressDomain: ""
name: 'CAPV Demo'
Update the tap packages using updated values for changes to take affect
azureuser@capv-tapmc-jb:~$ tanzu package installed update tap -f tap-values-view.yaml -n tap-install
Updating installed package 'tap'
Getting package install for 'tap'
Getting package metadata for ''
Updating secret 'tap-tap-install-values'
Updating package install for 'tap'
Waiting for 'PackageInstall' reconciliation for 'tap'
'PackageInstall' resource install status: ReconcileSucceeded
Updated installed package 'tap' in namespace 'tap-install'
Prevent changes to the software catalog
You can deactivate the Register Entity button to prevent a user from making changes to the software catalog, including registering and deregistering locations. To do so, add readonly: true to the catalog section in tap-values.yaml, as in this example:
readonly: true
Customize the Authentication page
To customize the portal name on the Authentication page and the name of the browser tab for Tanzu Application Platform GUI:
title: 'TAP - Captain V Demo Auth Portal'
Update the tap packages using updated values for changes to take affect
tanzu package installed update tap -f tap-values-view.yaml -n tap-install
Updating installed package 'tap'
Getting package install for 'tap'
Getting package metadata for ''
Updating secret 'tap-tap-install-values'
Updating package install for 'tap'
Waiting for 'PackageInstall' reconciliation for 'tap'
'PackageInstall' resource install status: ReconcileSucceeded
'PackageInstall' resource successfully reconciled
Updated installed package 'tap' in namespace 'tap-install'
Customize the default view
You can set your default route when the user is accessing your portal. Without this customization, when the user accesses the Tanzu Application Platform GUI URL, it displays the list of owned components of the software catalog.
default_route: '/create'
Update the tap packages using updated values for changes to take affect
azureuser@capv-tapmc-jb:~$ tanzu package installed update tap -f tap-values-view.yaml -n tap-install
Updating installed package 'tap'
Getting package install for 'tap'
Getting package metadata for ''
Updating secret 'tap-tap-install-values'
Updating package install for 'tap'
Waiting for 'PackageInstall' reconciliation for 'tap'
'PackageInstall' resource install status: ReconcileSucceeded
Updated installed package 'tap' in namespace 'tap-install'
Note: Tanzu Application Platform GUI redirects you to tap-gui.INGRESS-DOMAIN/YOUR-PREFERRED-ROUTE even if there is an error in YOUR-PREFERRED-ROUTE.
Customizing the Support menu
Many important pages of Tanzu Application Platform GUI have a Support button that displays a pop-out menu. This menu contains a one-line description of the page the user is looking at, and a list of support item groupings. For example, the default menu on the Catalog page looks similar to the following image:
title: 'TAP - Captain V Demo Auth Portal'
- title: Contact Capv Internal Support Team
icon: help
- url:
title: Capv Internal Support Page
- title: Documentation
icon: docs
- url:
title: Captain Virtualization TAP Documentation
Update the tap packages using updated values for changes to take affect
azureuser@capv-tapmc-jb:~$ tanzu package installed update tap -f tap-values-view.yaml -n tap-install
Updating installed package 'tap'
Getting package install for 'tap'
Getting package metadata for ''
Updating secret 'tap-tap-install-values'
Updating package install for 'tap'
Waiting for 'PackageInstall' reconciliation for 'tap'
'PackageInstall' resource install status: ReconcileSucceeded
Updated installed package 'tap' in namespace 'tap-install'