Reading Time: 3 mins
VMware Tanzu Mission Control is a centralised management platform for consistently operating and securing your Kubernetes infrastructure and modern applications across multiple teams and clouds. In this post, you will explore on attaching a kubernetes clusters (TKG deployed on Azure) into TMC using TMC CLI.
Generate API token from TMC Console
Follow the below steps to get API Token from TMC console
- Access the url: https://console.cloud.vmware.com/
- Navigate to TMC console > My Account > API Tokens > Generate Token
- Token Name: Provide your name followed by demo
- Define Scopes: All Roles
Note: Copy the token and save it for later use
Install TMC CLI
Register management cluster using TMC CLI
- Create Cluster group with name as capv-demo-cg
- List the cluster groups and verify if the created capv-demo-cg is shown in the list
- Register the management cluster (created in previous section) capv-mgmt into TMC
Wait for the registration to complete, ETA: 2 mins
- List the management clusters and verify if registered management cluster capv-mgmt is shown in the list
- Check in TMC Console to know the status of management cluster
In TMC Console: Navigate to TMC console > Administration > Management clusters > click on capv-mgmt
Attach workload cluster using TMC CLI
- Get credentials and export the config file
- Attach the workload cluster capv-workload using TMC CLI, wait for the process to complete.
- Check in TMC Console to know the status of attached workload cluster.
In TMC Console: Navigate to TMC console > Clusters > click on clustername: capv-workload
Validate the workload cluster